Jordan's success in business came from sacrifice, grit, and determination. But at what cost and with whom did she have to share it? She realized that her love life was lacking, and her definition of success with a little twisted. This epiphany came after some serious self-examination and tough love from Fix My Life Coach Iyanla Vanzant.

Christal Jordan shares how she found her way to true success and true love in her new book, "Dear Alpha Female It's Not Him. It's You." It's a devotional and workbook for self-reflection that may improve your life. Jordan said one of the reasons she wrote the book is.


She said we don't have to accept the hype of being a Black Superwoman. Being forced to take an inventory of her baggage, Jordan realized she needed to prioritize her life and get in tune with her "star player," As Katt Williams says. In her book, Christal shares life lessons like there being no timeframe for success because of what God has for only for you.

This is a powerful read, and I'm taking plenty of notes myself! Get her book today and open your mind, body, and soul to internal peace and happiness. Follow Mrs. Jordan on her YouTube From Christal XO,, and Instagram for more jewels.

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